6 – on – Saturday 21.3.2020

‘Morning everyone.  Sunny here, but a darned cold, strong easterly wind blowing, so it’s a bit chilly.  Anyhow, not too chilly to get 6 pictures for you, but too chilly for this old girl to spend much time in the garden.

First up: the David Austin roses I succumbed to, not long after I saw that the ‘Gator had bought some last week.  From left to right – Gertrude Jekyll, Albertine, and 3 Munstead Wood.  They should get into bed early next week.  That’s a whacking great agapanthus behind right.  Leaves all through winter.


Next: These muscari.  I have included them because they have seeded themselves opportunistically all over the garden.  These are between flower bed and paving stones in the front garden and they are are also all along the hedge bottom and in cracks in the paving.  So much nicer than planted in a clump in what – at this time of year – is an empty looking expanse of bare soil.  More joyful, somehow.


Number three is new growth on the apple tree.  It’s still in its pot from when we moved last year but I’m hoping to get it in the ground soon.  At least it has survived!  It’s Red Windsor.


Here is a clematis that badly needs tying up.  I’ve no idea what it is.  It was brown and crisp when we moved in last autumn and I cut it back to soil level in the winter.  I’m pleased to say it’s growing away quite vigorously and I just need to give it a bit of support until it reaches the trellis attached to the front of the house.


Remember when I asked if anyone could identify this foliage?  They’re teeny tiny species tulips.  Sorry for the poor pic but it’s scarcely getting its head above ground.  If they all flower it should be a mass of bright red soon.  You’ll get a pic!


Finally, these lovely anemones.  They came free with my spring bulb order from Bloms last autumn.  I just pushed them into a bit of spare soil outside the kitchen window and voilà – up they came.  Isn’t nature wonderful?


So that’s my six for today.  We’ve had the equinox – it’s officially spring!

And remember, folks – Wash Your Hands.  Practise Social Distancing.  Stay At Home.  Be Safe.  Have a cheerful, sunshiny weekend, wherever you are.

If you enjoy my 6 on Saturday you might like my wildlife/countryside blog too.  It’s accessible from the Core Edge Journal tab at the top of the blog.

Readers who are new to 6 – on – Saturday can join in easily – If you want to get a glimpse of lovely gardens from across the world, and chat to lots of lovely gardeners, then go here https://thepropagatorblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/18/six-on-saturday-a-participant-guide/  and join in!!

The O. G.

10 thoughts on “6 – on – Saturday 21.3.2020”

  1. Aren’t agapanthus supposed to have leaves all through winter? I notices some at Filoli with pendulous deep dark purple flowers. They are more interesting than pretty. I suspect that they are related to the newer varieties of the familiar Agapanthus africanus that bloom more purple than blue . . . which are also more interesting than pretty. Anyway, I do not know if those at Filoli are deciduous. I saw them in summer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Generally they die down in winter in most areas of the UK, although we are in one of the mildest areas (south west) which is why, I guess, that ours are still in leaf. The ones in the pic are also in a particularly sheltered part of the garden.

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      1. So, they lie down, and then fluff out in spring? That would make sense. In flood plains, they are underwater through the rainy season. They do well to hold the soil still. Where the water moves swiftly, their foliage gets pushed over, but do not mind at all.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your Agapanthus leaves are huge! I bought my very first one a few weeks ago, and I believe I’ve killed it already. Potted the root into a small pot, moved it outside while I cleaned the greenhouse. Forgot about it. Temperatures plummeted and the new growth has gone. Probably forever. I’ll just have to enjoy yours when it flowers.

    The Anemone is beautiful!


    1. They are tougher than you might think. I thought I’d lost one last year in a pot when it didn’t grow back at all, but this year it’s put up some shoots, so don’t give up!! Where we live now, it’s pretty mild (southwest England) so our agapanthus seem to keep their leaves over winter. Previously (in south wales) that simply didn’t happen. Yes, I’m really pleased with the anemones, we’ve never grown them before and I love them!

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